Monday, January 22, 2007


Several of you have posted comments regarding Steve. I wish I had some news of note to share.

We are still not sure what's going on with him. After spending another harrowing evening in the emergency room last Thursday, we are more stressed but have no more answers. His symptoms are strange and could point to a number of different conditions. Nothing quite seems to fit, though, and so far all test results (CAT scan, MRI, EKG) are negative.

He had an appointment this morning with a neurologist, and finally, it seems like someone is listening! I'm thankful that she seems to be asking the right questions and has suggested numerous other tests. He's scheduled for a "sleepover" tomorrow night for them to monitor his brainwaves, an echocardiogram on Wednesday, a carotid ultrasound on Thursday, and a portable EEG monitor starting on Saturday and running for 72 hours. I'll let you know when I know more.

It's so hard to concentrate on anything when the person you love the most isn't feeling well.


Vetmommy said...

I am glad Steve is finally getting attention and helpful diagnostics from a doctor! I know it is so hard on both of you not knowing what is going on. I hope it is all figured out soon, and has a good prognosis.

Unknown said...

HUGS all around. Hope you get answers from the night of observation. Please do continue to keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear his appointment with the neurologist was productive! Keep us posted.

paula said...

Same from us Em, hope you get some positive information very soon, and big hugs to you both. XXXXXX

Anonymous said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you both,Em..let's hope it goes away as quickly as it came! xxx

Anonymous said...

I hope they provide some solid answers for you -- you remember when Tom was in for observation and you and Bev came by with the goodies? (I'll never forget that -- it was so sweet.) It was frustrating that actually never found anything "wrong" because then there was nothing to "fix." I hope they find something simple and fixable -- soon! Hugs.