Friday, January 26, 2007

A Funny and An Update

Last weekend, Steve felt up to taking a short road trip down to Waco to visit my great aunt Sudie and my grandmother. Sudie celebrated her 92nd birthday on Friday, and I wanted to take her out for lunch on Saturday to recognize this accomplishment. There's nothing she likes better for a present than a visit.

Sudie's mind is slipping slightly -- I can now easily beat her in Scrabble, when in the past she was a force to reckon with -- but she is so happy. She laughs a lot and doesn't let things get to her. Her hearing is also not as sharp as it once was, and at one point during lunch, when the waiter didn't take her plate, she mentioned to me that she was done, too.

I said, "His hands are full," explaining why he hadn't taken her plate.
She said, "He had to cancel?"
I repeated, "No, I said, his HANDS ARE FULL."
She laughed, "Oh! I thought you said he had to cancel."
Grandma pipes in, "What? Who has a hamster?"


We don't have any results back yet from Steve's tests. He stayed at the sleep clinic on Tuesday night, hooked up to dozens of electrodes. He didn't sleep well. The next day, Wednesday, he had his echocardiogram, and while the technician couldn't give him a diagnosis, he was able to point out different structures like the aorta and his heart valves that were working properly. Thursday was his carotid ultrasound, and again the technician was as helpful as possible, telling Steve he had "beautiful blood vessels." (I think maybe she was flirting with my guy.)

This weekend he's going to be hooked up to the EEG for 72 hours. Should be interesting!

1 comment:

Vetmommy said...

That exchange made me laugh out loud! Whenever Anthony and I hear something like that, now we just shake our heads and think, that's us in the future!

Hope Steve gets a good diagnosis soon...