Monday, June 05, 2006

Weekend Review

I didn't post anything at the end of last week because I was too grumpy. I didn't sleep well (for no obvious reason) and was seriously irritable and not fit for human interaction. Doing better now.

I got my hair cut on Friday, although there was a bit of drama. I got the name of a new hairdresser from a coworker whose new haircut really complements her face. I was glad to get an appointment Friday afternoon, since I'd be seeing family on Saturday at my cousin Robert's high school graduation.

I left work early to get to the salon. It was EMPTY when I arrived, except for a teenage boy who was also waiting to get his hair cut. I finally asked him if anyone was working there, and he pointed me to the lone hairdresser in a back room. She informed me that my hairdresser had gone home sick and didn't I get a call from them? Sure enough, I had a voicemail on my cell phone.My fault -- I just hadn't checked it. hair was so long and boring and just shapeless. I really needed it cut! And, I was finally ready to make a change.

I decided to go to Ulta, where they have a walk-in salon, and hope for the best. Thankfully, I got a great gal who was able to add some shape and life back into my hair! Yipee!

On Saturday, I drove to Waco, picked up Grandma and Sudie and drove them to Lexington (small town in the middle of nowhere) for Robert's graduation ceremony. It was really nice. The home school co-op planned the whole affair for their five graduating seniors, an impressive group of young people. Each senior had a video presentation that was made by them and their families, and I cried as Rob's started with an audio recitation of him taking the pledge to protect and defend our country and constitution. The tears continued to roll as pictures of his young life were projected. I'm so proud of him, the first of our family to be accepted to West Point. He's a kind, thoughtful, intelligent young man (not to mention TALL), and it's exciting and bittersweet to see him leaving to start his life as an adult.


Anonymous said...

Graduation did turn out to be lots of fun! =) Glad most of our family made it down!!!


P.S. Emily's hair looks LOVELY!

Anonymous said...

Well,Em...I had posted a comment yesterday but there must be a gremlin hanging's not appeared...(same trouble with Jenns' Blog) anyway it was a nice read. xxx

Anonymous said...

Awww, that was a lovely post - hope you are feeling better now Em! Happy new hair do - please post a piccy XXX