Wednesday, June 28, 2006


I wasn't specific in my previous posts, and it seems from some of the comments that my posting was taken differently than I intended.

To clarify: Steve didn't invite these people to our house. Tom did! (read Invasion, Part 1)

Steve and I did our best to be good hosts and make them feel comfortable. He helped with all the cooking and cleaning, and neither one of us felt much like overindulging with so much going on. He was also very appreciative of all my work and was very supportive letting me get away for a couple hours each day.


Anonymous said...

Hi,Em...well you did give the impression,love,that you were none too pleased with the way your home was if some of us got it wrong..blame 'them' :o) ok? xx

Anonymous said...

When I said that I'd have flipped, I meant about the way the "guests" were behaving (honest!) I know that your Steve is a perfect gent. XX