Friday, March 18, 2005

What NOT to Say

I'm in NYC for a week with my job, and last night I attended a local St. Patrick's Day happy hour. St. Patty's day is very well celebrated here in New York, and the bar we went to was absolutely PACKED! Lots of cute guys, too...

One guy was smiling in my direction, so I introduced myself. He said, "My name's Eric." To which I honestly blurted out, "Oh! That's my dad's name!" He kinda smiled and said something about "who's your daddy," then chuckled and got lost in the crowd.

Guess that's not the best way to start a conversation...

Oh well. More practice needed.


Vetmommy said...

That's better than, "You remind me of my daddy..." or "Pinch me, I'm not wearing green!"

Douglas Vance Castagna said...

It still is better than going up to a girl, and she says her name is Tara, and you saying hey that was my dog's name.