Monday, March 21, 2005

A Compliment and a Prediction

For Saturday night in NYC, I went to Little Italy for some authentic Italian food. As in most restaurants here in the city, if you're alone, you have to eat at the bar. But I couldn't believe my luck: the only other person eating at the bar was this stop-traffic-gorgeous guy, Ryan, who was in town for business from California. He invited me to join him next door where he was having a drink with his friends.

It turned out to be a sports bar, and Saturday night featured several March Madness basketball games. Ryan explained to me who he was rooting for, and I was happy to watch. But he kept talking and flirting with this blonde girl at the bar who was for the opposing team. I finally told him that I don't play second fiddle and that if he wanted to be with her, I'd get lost. He looked surprised, and a part of me was a bit surprised, too. I don't usually stick up for myself, but it felt very empowering. He stammered something about how it was just about the game and that he'd been talking to her before dinner.

I ended up sitting at the bar with his friends -- actually his boss (who was completely bombed) and his boss's friend. They were both in their mid-50s, and the local, their host, teaches international business at NYU. He was very interesting and we had a good conversation. He told me he thought Ryan had made the wrong choice and remarked to his friend that I had a classically beautiful face. I was embarrassed and flattered and just laughed and thanked him. He also said I was obviously confident, and he thought I'd get everything I deserved out of life.

I hope so!

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