Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Too Picky?

On Sunday, I saw an interview of George Lucas. He has been single for many years and has three adopted children, the oldest two of whom are in their twenties.

The interviewer asked him if the reason he didn't have "someone special" in his life might be due to the fact that he is too picky. He replied that many of his married friends tell him the same thing and that maybe if he wasn't so picky he could find someone. He made the statement that it's not about being with someone, it's about finding the right one.

This is so true!

I have heard the comment from friends, acquaintances and coworkers that maybe I'm too picky. I usually tell these unaware people that if they knew my history, they would know that I tend not to be picky enough! (Two marriages and two quick divorces kind of explain that.)

Funny, I never hear this comment from my family.

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