Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Navigating the Subway

I guess I was getting a little too confident about my abilities to use the subway.

Despite the fact that I was able to correctly direct three people who approached me for directions, I got on the wrong train -- an express rather than the local. The express trains don't stop at every stop.

I'm sitting there enjoying the rhythmic rocking and realize that it's been longer than usual since the last stop. Then I notice we zoom through two stations. My hotel is at 57th, but I got a recommendation to go to a cool bar at 81st. I look as we speed past 86th, 103, 116...

We finally stopped at 125. I noticed that I was probably the only white face in the car. 125 is the stop for Harlem.

I casually get off the train and walk around to the other side, trying to look like I know what I'm doing. By this time, I decided just to go back to my hotel. It was a lovely evening riding the subway. Great way to spend my last night in NYC!

1 comment:

Vetmommy said...

Its great hearing about your adventures in the Big Apple!