Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Birthday Celebrations

I'm so tardy in posting about the birthday trifecta of a couple weeks ago, I can now lump in my birthday report as well.

Two weeks ago, I was down in Texas to celebrate my sister Jenn's 40th, my dad's 70th, and my nephew Colin's 7th birthdays. It was non-stop partying and organizing for parties, but so wonderful to be around many people that I love so dearly.

My birthday was this past Monday, and I had a really great day. I was touched that my three employees bought me a massage gift certificate and one of them made me a cake. Throughout the day, I heard from friends far and near through Facebook and had the birthday song sang to me by family and friends, and that evening, I attended the conclusion of our Spring Bible study at church. The end of semester dinner includes time for each of us to speak about what we've learned and what's going on in our lives, and I shared with them how much I treasure the relationships I've made and how glad I was to be spending my birthday with them. It was a simple birthday, but I truly enjoyed it. I really love my birthday -- other than the getting older part -- and I was a little sad when it was over!


Anonymous said...


jman said...

Well happy birthday to all and to all a good night! Wait am I getting confused with a different birthday?

Anonymous said...

..and you STILL don't look a day over 20 !! :) What a super picture that is of you all..

Aunty Norma.xxxxx

Asian Dating Sites said...

Nice to know you had a great birthday. Getting older is a part of life, so nothing to worry about it. Wish you a Very Happy Belated Birthday!!!