Sunday, June 10, 2007

We Did It!

My goal in completing the Danskin Triathlon this year was to beat my time from last year. (Last year's goal was just to finish!) I beat my time by 3 minutes! Not a lot, but I felt a lot stronger this year and was happy about my personal performance.

I didn't panic on the swim this year, and just kept plugging along until I finished. There's a slight hill from the swim finish to the transition area, where you get your stuff for the next event, and I ran that hill. The bike portion was good, but those Austin hills are incredibly difficult. For the last event, the "run," I mostly walked, but I power-walked. Coming up the last big hill where I could see the finish line, I spotted Jenn, Anthony and the kids, wearing the t-shirts I made them that said "My Mommy and My Auntie TRI." Anna grabbed my hand and jogged the last 50 yards or so with me across the finish line! It was so sweet and very encouraging.

Jenn finished her third full triathlon this year, and she encouraged two other women from her vet clinic to join us. They did great, and three of us ran the last 50 yards with the final girl in the group. It was so exhilarating and inspiring.

We finished with a lovely brunch/lunch at a local Mexican restaurant, complete with Mexican beer. Then we came home and took a nap!


get2eric said...

Congratulations! T both of you.
We figured you must be napping when we called around 3 pm.

Sounds like you and Jenn had a good time. Wish we could have been there.

( I hate it when the security thing is difficult and I type it clearly and the bugger flips and gives me a new and easier one and says 'type it precisely')

Anonymous said...

Cutting your time by 3 minutes is quite significant! I am so proud of you... and Jennifer... and Anna for helping you in the final 50 yards. Way to go you awesome women of our family!!!!

Love you, Mom

paula said...

Delighted for you all... brilliant XXX

Unknown said...

We were all pulling for you even though we weren't there. Glad you got your goals accomplished! The beer must have tasted heavenly. And the later-that-evening Vesper from Anth. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Vetmommy said...

You did very well, and it makes it so much more fun for me to do it with you. It was a great weekend with you overall!

Leah said...

I just wanted to say thanks for the support. It was great to have you there giving me the courage. Even thought I don't know you that well it was amazing how much strength I got from you. Thanks and Congrats on beating your time.

ColeBugsmommy said...

Yeah team Vetmommy. I had a great "Tri" experience with you all. I wish we would have been able to go attend the post-tri Mexican feast. I wasn't the slightest bit hungry because I was so overheated, all I wanted was a shower and nap. Hope to see you again next year!

Anonymous said...

A NAP?! I'd have been out for at least a week. Congrats!

Unknown said...

um it's been a week. Since I am virtually housebound with my milkmaid duties, I really appreciate hearing from all my internet friends and getting updates via blogs. Hint hint. :}