Monday, July 31, 2006


Ironically, after my post yesterday, Steve and I went to see the documentary "An Inconvenient Truth." It was a powerful, fact-filled presentation of how our global environment is changing directly as a result of our ever increasing use of fossil fuels. I highly recommend everyone see this movie, and visit the website Climate Crisis.

The website has a list of things everyone can do. Here are some that Steve and I are working on:

* Choose energy efficient appliances when making new purchases

* Use less hot water

* Use a clothesline instead of a dryer whenever possible

* Turn off electronic devices you’re not using

* Unplug electronics from the wall when you’re not using them

* Insulate and weatherize your home

* Be sure you’re recycling at home

* Plant a tree - A single tree will absorb one ton of carbon dioxide over its lifetime.

* Switch to green power

* Reduce the number of miles you drive by walking, biking, carpooling or taking mass transit wherever possible

* When it is time for a new car, choose a more fuel efficient vehicle

My sister Jennifer and her husband Anthony have made huge progress in these areas, with solar panels and wind generators on their roof to their hybrid vehicles. They are an inspiration for us, and now, having seen the evidence, I feel compelled to follow their example.

I strongly encourage you to see the movie for yourself.


Vetmommy said...

Wow, thanks for the shout-out. We are concerned about the way we Americans blithely use the most resources and save the least. Then, refuse to sign the Kyoto treaty! There is always room for improvement, and we (mostly Anthony) are always looking for more ways to reduce our "footprint."

paula said...

Extremely impressive stuff Emily - very inspiring.

Unknown said...

The picture in Europe of America is that its population all drive vast SUVs and 'don't buy the global warming theory'. Fab to hear otherwise! Now you just have to work on that president of yours... ;)