Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Alright, Alright...here's a quick post

I know I haven't been a good blogger. I must admit, the dwindling comments got to me a bit, and I figured not many people would miss my drab musings.

I thought about posting some pics from 4th of July. We had a few friends over for a cookout and pool time, and it was really nice.

I just finished a long weekend in Wisconsin (cheese country!) to meet Steve's family (I met at least 25 people) and have just arrived in Philadelphia for business. I'll be back in Dallas late tomorrow night, so I probably won't blog about the Wisconsin trip until Wednesday. But I will say that everyone was so nice and welcoming to me, and it was great to finally meet them all.

Now, it's past midnight, and I must sleep. It's nice to know you missed me!


Unknown said...

Tcha - people are always interested, through an over-developed sense of nosiness if nothing else!!

Glad you had a good holiday weekend, and gladder that you're back!!

paula said...

So great to hear from you again Em, I bet you are exhausted!

Anonymous said...

'Course we missed you Em. you are like a breath of fresh air! :o)

Debi said...

Of Course we mised you...just cause we don't always comment, doesn't mean we don't need to read :) hehe

Anonymous said...

OF course we missed you! I was starting to wonder if you'd fallen off the egde of the world!!!! Glad your back. Look forward to hearing more about meeting Steve's folks.


Unknown said...

When my life gets hectic, I just slap up the pictures and let them tell the story. I'm pretty busy right now, too, so I understand. But I do like to touch base with you via your blog, so please keep making the effort. BTW, I like comments, too and so many of my readers do not comment. Then later I'll run into a friend at the store and they'll go on and on about something I wrote, and I think sheesh, well, there are more readers out there than I realized.