Friday, July 14, 2006

Friends & Colleagues

It's so nice when you like the people you work with.

A couple months ago, my long-time friend Lauren joined the company I work for, and I've been meaning to blog about it for some time. It's been such a pleasure to work with her again, both because I respect and admire her intelligence and work ethic AND because I have a friend to goof around, eat lunch and talk with!

I'm actually very lucky that I work with a terrific group of people. The vast majority are incredibly smart and talented. But I don't socialize with many of them.

I guess it's mostly my choosing. When I began to carve out "personal time" for myself last year and not be such a workaholic, I started distancing myself from coworkers outside of the office. It's hard for some people not to talk about work when you are with others you work with, and I found I really wanted a break from "shop talk."

Now, having Lauren here, I have a trusted friend with whom I can talk about the rest of my life. In addition, she's filled a professional void I've experienced since my friend Lisa left the company over a year ago. And, just to sing her praises, EVERYONE in the company keeps telling me how impressed they are with her and how glad they are she's joined our team. Yea for Lauren!

(Now, if we can just convince Wendy to come join us...)


yasser said...

it is true - the people you work with often determine everything.....

Anonymous said...

That's cool that you have someone trustworthy to talk about work with! Those are very valuable friends...


Anonymous said...

What a sweet post! Thank you. I have really enjoyed working with you again, too--I missed you!

Vetmommy said...

It is good to have a comrade at work, in every sense!


paula said...

Having good friends at work is such a great thing.