Friday, February 24, 2006

Mirror, Mirror, on the wall...

When you stop to think about it, it's pretty crazy all the things we women do to make our selves "presentable." Shaving, waxing, plucking, exfoliating, moisturizing...sometimes I wonder about all the time and money spent on these activities.

I feel very fortunate that the older generation on both sides of my family have aged so well. Good genes! It gives me some consolation about my changing (aging) body and skin.

I guess not everyone is so lucky. And I probably shouldn't be so judgemental, but...

I saw a woman in a restaurant the other day who had obviously given up shaping her eyebrows with tweezers or wax...she had totally removed them! But what's worse is that she DREW them back with a black pencil at least 2 inches above where her eyebrows should be. Oh, and did I mention she had lovely gray hair? The black wasn't exactly subtle. To top off the effect, one of the created eyebrows had more of an arch than the other, giving her a permanently questioning look.

She MUST have used a mirror to do this. I guess she couldn't take in the whole effect. How often do we really see what's reflected to us? Are we just seeing what we're expecting to see?


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't have been able to stop staring at the poor woman!!! I just despair at how hairy I am as I get older .... dreadful!!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't look forward to growing older, lose it where you had it..and grow it where it never grew before :o( hmmm I agree with you ,Paula..x

Anonymous said...

OH,my gosh....that's really nasty about the eye brow thing! I can't stand when I see older women pencil in their eyebrows- just erks me! Have you guys heard of the new "fad" of tattooing your eyebrows?...? I've seen it first hand and its not a pretty sight at all!


Anonymous said...

Bev, can you imagine taking the huge leap to have that done!! What if they did it wrong .... you could end up looking demented!!! Eeeek!!! I had a friend who used to shave her eyebrows above and below the line and then pencil in to give them shape, one very dark winters morning she went to work as usual and wondered why people where looking at her funny, when she went to the ladies (2 hours later) and looked in the mirror she had used a purple eyeliner instead of a black brow pencil!!!!!

Emily said...

Ha ha ha! That's a great story, Paula! And I couldn't stop looking at the woman in my story either.

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha Paula that's a good one...PURPLE eyebrows!!!! wow. x