Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Big Green Egg

Steve cooked for me last weekend! He made me the best ribs I've ever eaten. They were tender, spicy and just finger-lickin' delicious!

He grilled/smoked them in his Big Green Egg, a ceramic smoker/grill/barbecue. He swears by it, and says since he bought it several years ago, he'll never go back to a regular grill.

I made potato salad and beans to go with the ribs. I had to call my Dad, chef extraordinaire, to remind me what all goes in potato salad. He chuckled at me, but I just haven't made it very many times in my life. Potato salad seems like one of those recipes that everyone does a little differently. I used potatoes (of course), low-fat mayo, a little Dijon mustard, salt & pepper, celery and a little juice from the banana pepper jar. (Daddy suggested sweet pickle juice or pineapple, but I didn't have either so I improvised.) It turned out good, but those ribs were the absolute highlight of the meal!


Anonymous said...

mmmmm I can taste the ribs,Em...'tater salad? easy peasy ..'taters,Mayo,pepper,is all that's needed...oo some chives too.xx

Vetmommy said...

I've never been a big rib fan (too much anatomy) but I can appreciate well-grilled meat. We always did have the best potato salad growing up. But, no celery please (blech)!

Anonymous said...

Funny Jenn, 'cos I did tell Em to fine chop celery if she had some...............
Sweet pickle juice ( a little ) is a "hmmnnn, wonder why this tastes so good ingredient"

Unknown said...

See, you just had to go posting about those ribs, just when I had finally stopped thinking about them!!!! I am salivating again, thank you very much. I would really like a meaty meal made in that Egg. RIGHT NOW!!!!

P.S. I like the other kind of potato salad, you know the really vinegar-based one with bacon? Would go great with any grilled/smoked meat.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, potato salad. Dad used to make the best potato salad ever. He used 'taters, salad cream, onion, pepper, salt and wait for it .... hard boiled eggs chopped up. Delicious!!!!! I remember he made it as part of my birthday tea when I was a kid and my best friend Michelle just sat there chomping through plates of it. By the way, the ribs sound gorgeous, but like you Jenn, it just doesn't seem right gnawing away at actual body parts.

Vetmommy said...

MMM salad cream... American mayonnaise just isn't the same.

When I was in vet school, we learned that behind every rib was a V.A.N. -- vein, artery, and nerve, in that order. I think of that and the thick pleural membrane made out of mesothelial cells on the inside surface of the thorax every time I'm faced with ribs.

Then, the first night I stayed with K. and O. in Nov 1994 for 5 weeks, Auntie Olive served me this lovely steak pie. It was so delicious, I got up and served myself seconds. However, I noticed ORGANS in the dish that I recognized from histology lab - they could be nothing other than KIDNEYS. Yikes! I could not bring myself to eat the organs that make urine, so I pushed them to one side. Later, Auntie Olive (who always cleaned her plate, remembering those lean years of her childhood and the war) told me it was actually Steak and Kidney pie, but when she had served me she figured I wouldn't like kidneys so she made sure she didn't serve me any.

OK, now I'm a blog hijacker!!

Anonymous said...

hahahahaahha that's a really funny story,Jenn..guess you wont' be serving yourself again after that..but the kidneys are supposed to help flavour the pie..now I like Tripe! my Dad (your Grandad Bill) got me eating that with salt,pepper and vinegar on it mmm he tried to get me to eat Udder!! eeek! no ta,Dad.later on in my life I went to an Abbatoir and actually saw how the tripe is 'made'it's the stomache of the cow.. boiled!! sheesh,it put me off for life. hmm I like talking about food don't you,People? xx

Anonymous said...

Oh Aunty Norma I remember Nan (Emily)used to take me to Hamletts Butchers along Church Street when I was a little un and she would buy Tripe and Cows Heels, we would then go home and she would put salt, pepper and vinegar on and we would eat!! Of course as soon as I was old enough to realise what exactly they were and also how Black Pudding was made (which I also used to love) I wanted to heave.

Anonymous said...

Yes,Paula, and what about Briscoes Savoury Ducks swimming in luscious thin beefy gravy..oh to DIE FOR!!!and when Grandma Elizabeth Hankers (haha) 'me Gran' used to send us for a basin of chips (not crisps)the smell coming from the basin of these hot delights with salt and vinegar on them ..who could resist pinching a few from under the snowy white cloth?? not ME! so by the time I got home the basin was half empty. :o)xx

Anonymous said...

Aunty Norma now I'm drooling ....

Unknown said...

Helllooooooooooooooooooooooo?????????????? Are you back yet? We are dying for an update!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

She'll be back soon,Steph. just talk amongst yourselves :o) xx