Saturday, January 07, 2006

How Weird am I?

The latest meme from my sister Jenn, 5 weird things about me: (meme=a cultural unit (an idea or value or pattern of behavior) that is passed from one generation to another by nongenetic means (as by imitation); "memes are the cultural counterpart of genes")

1. The toenails on my big toes have been stunted from multiple ingrown toenail surgery and the anti-growth stuff they put on them. They look strange. I often get asked (if and when I show my bare feet) what happened to them.

2. I have a lot of flat moles all over my body. I used to think when I was little that if someone could connect all the dots, it would give me the answer to my purpose in life or something. There were four on my back like the points of a cross, but one had to be removed under suspicion (it was fine).

3. I have a pet peeve about loose hair in the sink. Even if I'm at a public bathroom or at work, I must rinse the hair down the drain.

4. I have never tried illegal drugs of any kind, not even marijuana. Many people of my generation find that surprising, but I've never really been interested.

5. I like even numbers better than odd numbers, and therefore, I like even-numbered years better. In even-numbered years, my age is even-numbered. Logically, I know there's probably nothing to it, but here's a thought: both of my failed marriages started in odd-numbered years...


Anonymous said...

Emily...don't you know that those 'moles' are 'beauty spots'..some people paint them on and in the olden days women (and men) pasted them on their faces even if they had no beauty...Thanks for the explanation of Meme I thought it meant me me me next! ah well we cannot all be clever huh? haha xxx

Vetmommy said...

Finally! Yes, we are all 3 affected with BAD TOENAILS, but yours ended up the smallest - sorry. Thanks for participating. Also, I had not heard that definition of meme; interesting.

Anonymous said...

Fascinating Em!! The toenail thing is so bizarre isn't it!!

Anonymous said...


I can't stand the hair in the sink, too! I do the same thing...before I wash my hands or brush my teeth...I have to wash it down......HOw funny we are similar - in that respect!

Love Ya,

Anonymous said...

still on the toenails Grandchildren Ryan (13) and Martine (20) both suffer from bad toenails!! yet this is the first time that I know of that it's cropped up in our family...Ryan especially has suffered for years..ended up with having them removed..oh,dear..awful isn't it.xx

Unknown said...

Meh - one person's weird is another's unique, quirky and adorable.

At least, that's what I tell myself...