Monday, September 19, 2005


I've had such a lovely weekend. It all started last Thursday. I went to my local haunt for a drink and a salad (I think they offset each other) and ended up sitting at the bar next to this guy, Steve. He was getting his check and about to leave when we started talking, but he decided to stay. I was very impressed with him. He's intelligent, ambitious, CUTE, nice and worldly. He lived in Germany for 12 years, first as a teen and then working for his current company. He's 38, divorced with two kids, who live with their mom in New Mexico. We had a really great conversation, exchanged business cards and a great kiss.

He called me the next morning. So sweet! I had told him I was going to Waco to visit my grandma & great aunt on Friday and wouldn't be back until Saturday afternoon, and he asked if I would give him a call when I got back in town.

Grandma and I went to a concert. This was a make-up event for the opera that got cancelled this spring when the organization ran out of funds. The two lead opera singers performed several opera pieces and some Broadway ones. The baritone was much better suited to the opera. His pronounciation and style were just too proper for the Broadway songs. The soprano stole the show. She was so talented and hit so many high notes, making it all appear effortless.

I had a nice visit with Grandma and Sudie and just as I was leaving, my phone rang. It was Steve. You know, it's so rare to find someone who really likes you that you also really like. I was touched that he called, and we talked as I headed back to Dallas. We each had plans for the early evening (I had a friend's 40th birthday party and he had dinner plans with friends), but we agreed to meet up around 8:30 or so.

The party was fun, good food, conversation and lots of laughter. Steve called as promised at 8:00, but neither of us was ready to meet. We finally met up around 11:30 at a dance club. A friend of mine from the party went with me, and we all danced until the club closed at 2:00. It was such a blast. My hair was wet with sweat around my face from dancing so much. And I just remember laughing and smiling a lot.

I try to keep my blog G-rated for my myriad of readers which include my cousin and my dad. So some of you will have to read between the lines.

Steve came back to my house and we talked and kissed until 3:30 or 4. He's so sweet. This combination of being attracted to someone and also feeling so comfortable with them is new to me.

I made him breakfast this morning. He calls when he says he will and did again this afternoon. We had originally planned to go cycling (he's into mountain biking!), but both of us were tired from lack of sleep. But he said he still wanted to see me, if I wanted, and he came over and watched a football game with me, and I made a simple dinner. He was very complimentary.

Other great things:
He likes my cat Sabrina. And she likes him.
He's learning how to ride a motorcycle and was impressed with mine.
He said I have a European/English look about me. (I love that!)
He has told me several times how thankful he is to have met me.
He's been genuinely interested in learning about my family and looking at the pictures around my house.
He has several friends that have been in his life for 15 years or so.
He speaks very highly and respectfully about his dad.
We agree on our political leanings and basic spiritual beliefs.
While he was here for dinner, he killed a nasty cockroach that found it's way into my kitchen.
He's very open about his past and takes responsibility for his part in his marriage not working.
He's financially secure and owns two houses (one here and one in Virginia Beach).
Did I mention he's a great kisser?

I can't help smiling. This is fun. More to come! We have plans to have dinner on Tuesday.


Anonymous said...

Ohhh Emily!!!! Sounds very promising!!! CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR MORE!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a great post! I'm smiling now too! :-)

Anonymous said...

....seems to me we've stood and talked like this before
We looked at each other in the same way then, dah dah dah dah da da dah

Sounds good and moving like an express train.

Anonymous said...

he sounds yummy! hope you keep smiling.

not wild about the bug killer part, though!

Unknown said...

Aw, that's fabulous! :)

Although I'm intrigued... What makes someone look English?! And should I be worried?!

Vetmommy said...

Post Pictures.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Good luck, and keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Em! Im very happy for you. You deserve it!