Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The Proof is in the X-Ray

A couple years ago, I started having some pretty strange symptoms from my scoliosis. Every so often when I would stand up after sitting at my desk, my right hip would give out on me, and if I didn't catch myself, I would collapse to the floor. It wasn't exactly painful (except if I hit the floor or furniture on the way down), but it was very disconcerting.

I've known about my back being slightly off center since I was 13 or so. Remember those days in gym class where all the girls would have to stand around without their shirts and get checked for scoliosis? I usually went home with a note telling my parents they saw an irregularity. I was checked out by a doctor, but he said it wasn't serious.

About 10 years ago, I went to an orthopedist because my back was giving me a lot of pain (more than I had gotten accustomed to). He took x-rays, and for the first time, I could see where and how my spine went off course. The lumbar vertebrae curved to the right, and the cervical vertebrae curved to the left to compensate. The doctor told me my scoliosis was only 10-15 degrees off normal, not bad enough to require surgery but just something that would give me discomfort. Basically, he told me to live with it and to check in with him as I aged.

And so I just accepted the chronic lower back pain, and I often popped my neck by leaning my head to either side. It gave me some relief.

But two years ago, I decided to put my previous biases about chiropractors aside and give it a try. I met a petite chiropractor about my age at a local health fair, and she honestly answered my questions and addressed my concerns. And she gave me hope. She said she could help.

After only a few months, I was feeling so much better. I could sleep better because I wasn't in as much pain. I could sit in cars more comfortably. I could even turn my head without having to turn my whole torso to look over my shoulder. After a year, she took x-rays and compared them with my starting x-rays. The difference was noticeable. The vertebrae had moved, although they were still not completely in-line.

We took x-rays again today, two years since I began the therapy. The x-rays confirmed why I wasn't having as much pain and the reason for the increased mobility and flexibility. My back x-ray no longer shows any sign of curvature. It's unbelievable. She actually said "we've eliminated your scoliosis." I never thought that was possible! I never dreamed that high. I was just hoping for a reduction of pain, but I have gotten so many additional benefits. I feel so grateful to my doctor and that I found her.


Anonymous said...

That is terrific!!! I'm so happy for you that all your therapy worked out. I didn't know you could totally eliminate scoliosis. Love you, M

Unknown said...

Congrats, Em - that's fabulous.

Anonymous said...

Emily that's amazing! So v happy that you have got it sorted you must be so relieved!

Anonymous said...

That's so awesome! I'm like your mom...I didn't know scoliosis could totally be eliminated....But I'm so happy it worked for you! Love ya -Bevie-

Anonymous said...

Well, that I was the motivation I needed to make the appointment... Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Well,Emily,what a miracle that is..I too have a 'curved spine'like an S but that has come with Osteoporosis and an early change of life at 41...Miracles do happen in todays' World and you have certainly experienced one..I find that when buying a new skirt I have to lean to one side to level up the hem hahaha (not really funny)good thing that I can sew. A.Norma.x