Monday, September 05, 2005


So obviously I started a little political controversy here with my post about the government's response to the Katrina disaster. While there is the ability to leave anonymous messages on my blog, I think it's pretty cowardly for someone to leave two messages not just disagreeing with my opinion but making sweeping statements about "bleeding heart liberals." (Yes, "bleeding" is spelled with 2 E's, no A's.)

I actually am more middle of the road. On some things I agree with the left side and other time with the right. I absolutely agree with my anonymous slammer that people should be responsible for their own actions. But I also realize not everyone is starting from the same set of circumstances. I am thankful for all that I have, and I am happy to share with those who are less fortunate and working to get themselves out of their bad situation.

I am sickened by the thought of the elderly and children who have suffered the most from the hot weather and lack of water. They have DIED. I think those easily preventable deaths are unacceptable.

I hope that all of you readers, whether you agree or disagree that the government took its time in responding, I hope you will do what you can to help the people who have now lost EVERYTHING. Volunteer to help the refugees in your area, donate to Salvation Army or Red Cross.


Anonymous said...

Well said Emily. I think this link sums it all up for me....

Unknown said...

Ooh, thanks for that link Shawn. Worth watching. Sorry I haven't been up-to-date on your blog, Em. Sounds like you have been busy -- mentally, physically, and philanthropy-wise too. I love you.