Monday, September 06, 2010

The Understudy, Part II

Sorry it's been a few days. I haven't felt like writing, and I've been busy with other things.

To finish up my babysitting story, everyone did pretty well, although unfortunately the big kids were late to school on the second day due to the dog getting out and not obeying the command "Come."

Also on day two, Nana and Grandad came home from two months away. The kids were SO glad to see them. Evelyn was so cute, she just held on to them and didn't speak.

They were also ecstatic to see Mom & Dad again on Wednesday.

Graham had a VERY loose front tooth -- the one remaining baby tooth on the top middle -- and Steph encouraged him to wiggle it out of there, and he did! He looks a little like a cute vampire with both top front teeth out, and he has a bit of a lisp, too.


Anonymous said...

Super,super pictures,Em. hey,Graham,you look good! :)

Anonymous said...

i love the mud room! wish we had one when my two were young. good job on understudying (is there such a word?).


Unknown said...

Paige has actual tears in her eyes for that first pic of Grandad and Ev, and she says, "Oh Beanie!"