Monday, September 20, 2010

What a Difference 3 Days Makes

I had the most incredible weekend. I attended Discovery! -- a three-day personal growth seminar that a new, dear friend told me about.

Besides making 35 wonderful new friends, many of whom are in the Austin area, I have a new lease on life. I feel truly blessed and hopeful about my future, secure in knowing who I am. I can't wait to share the new me with the world!

My class included people of all ages -- one of whom I learned as I friended him on Facebook was born the year I graduated high school! Ha! I got a good laugh out of that. But it feels like he's a younger brother, and I'm looking forward to seeing him and his sisters this weekend at a rodeo event he's participating in.

Lots of good things to come. I can just feel it!


Julie said...

like! Good for you :)

Anonymous said...

Love it! Sometimes we just have to be reminded of what everyone else knows about us. You are a truly incredible woman. Enjoy your new jolt of energy and enthusiasm.

Emily said...

Thanks, Julie!
N: Yes! Thank you for your support.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely,cheerful post,Emily..I'm so happy that you are more settled and finding new friends.


paula said...

Glad you had a good time! XXXX