Sunday, January 17, 2010

Rainy Day Activity

I've had a nice, quiet weekend. And today has been rainy ever since church, so I've stayed in and written for three hours. What am I writing? A memoir.

I've been blogging for five years next month. And several readers and people I admire have encouraged me to write a book and have questioned what happened before the blog -- "how is it that you have two divorces???" So the book begins with that sordid history from 1995.

However, it's emotionally grueling to write some of that. So it's been happening in small bursts and long avoidances. But with the new year, it's a great time to tackle it again.

I have realized my writing style is much better for blogging -- more succinct and to the point. I don't like to belabor the minute details. I joked with my sister Jenn that this might turn out to be more like a pamphlet than a book. So I just Googled "how many words in a book," and found a blog post that gives several examples of books with 20,000 to 100,000 words.

I'm currently just over 11,000. So maybe this will be more than a pamphlet after all. Now if I can just find someone who's interested in publishing it once I'm done...


Anonymous said...

Easy peasy to find a Publisher,Emily..and well done for doing something many people only talk about!! Keep at it. :)

Aunty Norma.

jman said...

I admit to being curious about how you had two marriages over and done with by your early 30's as well as some of your earlier herstory, So guess I will have to buy the book! Will there be a place to comment? It's the only way I am going to get into print.

Emily said...

Aunty Norma - Thanks for the encouragement!

jman - No, there's no comments in books. Unless you want to write a quote for the cover?

Unknown said...

oooh ooooh that is exciting news!

jman said...

How about "I laughed. I cried. I read on wishing Emily was older so the book would be even longer. If I never read another book after having read this one, my reading life will be complete!"?

Anonymous said...

How clever of you,Jman, that would be perfect as a foreword..lovely.
Emily, you just have to finish your book NOW! :)

Aunty Norma.xx

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to buy and read your book, Em! But I've told you that before... I've seen a couple of articles about self-publishing recently. That's always an option. And then when word of your book goes viral and everyone is talking about it, some big house will pick you up and you'll be able to retire and write more!
Keep writing - you definitely have a story to tell and I can't wait to read it. I'd offer to write a quote for your cover but I don't have quite the following that Jman does! ;-)
Keep at it! xoxo wlm

Emily said...

EdamameMommy - Thanks for your excitement!

jman - LOL! I love the vote of confidence.

Aunty Norma - I'm working on it.

wlm - I hope I can "retire" and just keep writing. We'll see.