Wednesday, December 13, 2006

New Digs

Well, I almost got choked up leaving the office yesterday for the last time. Since joining the company 6 and a half years ago, I had a lot of memories in that building. I've grown a lot, too.

The drive took me an hour and 15 minutes as expected. I now have an OFFICE with a WINDOW. Although the window overlooks a concrete courtyard, if you lean over, you can see trees. Most everyone is happy and excited about the new digs, and people are busy milling around, finding where others are sitting and eating the breakfast our owners set out for us.

Plus, we have a parking garage, and they're building a gym in the building that we will have free access to. Not bad!


Unknown said...

Sounds good. Hope the commute is tolerable for the short term.

Vetmommy said...

You totally deserve that window. There are NO windows were I work. Enjoy the live weather reports.

paula said...

Sounds great, so glad you get a window view, it can make all the difference.

Anonymous said...

Nothing quite like an office with a window where you can gaze through it and dream! :)xx