Friday, December 22, 2006

It's Friday!

It's so nicely quiet here at the office. That is, except for the kids who were brought to work since daycare is closed. :-)

One of our newer employees made the comment the other day that we've had more holiday parties/lunches/happy hours than every place he's ever worked added together! (He's young, so he probably hasn't worked many places, but still...) Everyone is in a festive mood, even though the weather has been unseasonably warm. And we work so hard during the year, it's a good time to show our appreciation for their great work.

Our new building has some new features, some good and some that just take getting used to. Most of the windows on my floor face West, and the Texas sunsets have been spectacular to view. We have a parking garage, which I like as protection against spring hail storms and shade in the hot summer, and you have to have a security card to open the doors to the elevator and into our suite. One tricky thing is the bathrooms are located outside our suite, so you have to remember to take your card with you to get back in!

Janet, my BF, and her daughter Annie, my goddaughter, are coming up today to see my new digs and then we're all going to lunch. Annie just had all four wisdom teeth out, and she's milking the sympathy! (She's doing well and has good painkillers.)


Anonymous said...

Ah, poor Annie.....milk it as long as you can..
How about if I dabbed some avocado on your hand? Would you feel better?

paula said...

The new premises sound really nice, I especially love the thought of you being able to watch the sunsets, really lovely. Hang your keycard around you neck so you don't get locked out when you go to wee. XXX