Thursday, November 30, 2006

Week in Review

I've been trying to think of something good to write all week. I haven't thought of much.

First, my sister Stephanie was in the hospital with kidney stones. She's fine now, but that is so very painful. And I feel like that is more her place to tell the story.

Work is busy, but that's hardly new.

It was unseasonably warm early in the week, and last night, a big cold front came through. Today we had ice, sleet and snow. I looked outside at one point, and the snow was swirling all around with the wind. It looked like I was in a snow globe!

One new thing I'm trying this week is based on an article I read, "What does it take to lead a happier life?" Researchers are studying how to increase happiness, and the article refers to a simple exercise: every night, think of three good things that happened that day and analyze why they occurred.

It's a bit like the Gratitude Journal that was made popular by Oprah and Sarah Ban Breathnach, author of Simple Abundance, a few years ago. The thing I like about this exercise is the analysis of why those things happened.

On Monday, one of my good things was this snuggly baby I got to hold at the hospital. My analysis of why this happened? Because I volunteer. That made me give credit to myself and realizing how much I get out of giving.

Anyway, I figure it can't hurt, and who knows? It might just increase my happiness level.


Anonymous said...

I read about your snow storm this morning. And I remember the icy road conditions Dallas occassionally has each winter (usually Jan or Feb).
With your long ride to work it musta been a tough ride.

paula said...

Sounds very interesting Em. Anything that can make us happier has got to be a good thing. XX

Unknown said...

I am definitely counting my blessings these days...high on the list is FAMILY. Can't wait to see you. Have updated my blog (finally) Love you!

Anonymous said...

I like your idea of 'being in a snow globe' very descriptive! we have not had snow YET...'twill soon be Christmas,Em..what are your plans?