Sunday, November 26, 2006

A Good Start

Everything went well!

The kids arrived on Wednesday night, and we went out to a Japanese hibachi restaurant. Steve's son Declan was very comfortable around me, acting like he sees me all the time. (We met in February.) His daughter Hayden was shy as Steve had predicted. She only spoke to him through dinner, and I tried to make comments, to which she would politely smile and then turn back to him.

Thursday was the Big Day, and I started by cooking the pies. The kids helped peel the apples for the apple pie, and Hayden helped me with the stuffing. Otherwise, I was pretty much on my own. I didn't want to make them help if they didn't want to. I was also really missing my sisters and parents. We usually are all in the kitchen talking and preparing together.

The kids were thrilled about the shrimp cocktail, which I served in martini glasses. They tried everything, including my family recipes for spinach casserole, turnips & carrots and Chachie's cranberry relish.

On Friday, Steve took the kids to a museum and bowling. I went shopping by myself and almost got my whole Christmas list done! We met back at the house for dinner. I made a cheese fondue appetizer (big hit) and turkey pot pie (also enjoyed). Later, Hayden helped me wrap some gifts, and we had a great talk.

Saturday was a short day with the kids as they headed back to Albuquerque that afternoon. We had a nice breakfast together and some shopping. They were so sad to say goodbye to their dad, and he is still sad at having to say goodbye to them.


Anonymous said...

You were sorely missed in Austin. Glad things went well for you with steve's kids.

I just sent you some pics so you could see what a loverly time we had.
Can you imagine, I went up to Waco and drove down to Austin with Sudie asleep in the back seat and your Grandma in the front seat next to me?

Oy veh, you Momma oews me!

Vetmommy said...

Yes, you were missed, spoken of often, and toasted at dinner.

I'm glad it went so well. Hopefully this is the start of many visits...

paula said...

Well is sounds like a great success Em, I think you did a cracking job and you should be very proud of yourself. Big hugs XXXX

Unknown said...

I went to my first Thanksgiving this year! I was impressed.

Sounds like you made a big step with the kids - not to be underestimated.

Anonymous said...

Good to hear all went well! I'm glad Hayden warmed up to you towards the end. That relationship will develop with time, and a little girlie shopping doesn't hurt matters either.*wink,wink* =)


Anonymous said...

I bet you went down a treat,our Emily!! how can anybody resist a lovely like you! xx