Friday, November 10, 2006

Ready to Blow

Oh, I'm so overwhelmed! I've been working all morning and still have 200 unread emails in my inbox. My supervisor told me people are telling him they can't get enough of my time on their particular projects -- no wonder since I'm overallocated as it is. He said they weren't complaining about my work, just that I'm not focused on their projects. Huh. I'm going 100 mph and not able to keep up.

I haven't had a vacation since March when Steve & I went to Hawaii. I started feeling really burned out in August. Now, mid-November, I feel whipped.

Do you ever have so many emails, phone calls, lists of things to do that you don't know where to start? Everything's urgent, making it difficult to prioritize. I can't wait until Thanksgiving, to have a couple days off, but then I don't know how I'll have time to take it off. There's too much to do!

This is why I have no interesting blog stories. I think about topics to write about and sometimes create the stories in my head, but I'm either away from a computer (flying) or am too tired by the time I get to a computer. Or, I decide the topic isn't blog-worthy.


Anonymous said...

:-( Feel your pain.

Vetmommy said...

What a great adverb: overallocated. Hope thinks get easier soon.

Anonymous said...

Everything you write about is good and interesting to me,Emily..even when you have a little moan (and don't we all) xxxx

Unknown said...

I have some cards that remind me "The unique struggle to man is keeping life simple" So true.


As you exhale, do it completely and think of it as a gift to the trees -- that always helps me take in a better inhale when I am tense.