Wednesday, October 18, 2006

My New Teeth

Well, I survived 2 hours and 45 minutes at the dentist this morning. My face was all puffed up and I was numb from my cheekbone to my nose and down to my chin for several hours, but I have minimal pain now. The temporary crowns look good, and he also fixed a chip in another tooth and a small cavity in another.

I went into work afterwards, but since I looked like I had suffered a stroke (the left half of my face was just not responding), it was difficult for anyone to look at me and hear what I was saying. Besides, I didn't feel so great, so I took my laptop home and am now sitting on the couch working, looking out the window at a beautiful sunny day and having my snuggly Sabrina beside me. And Steve brought me some beautiful flowers that are brightening up the room.


Vetmommy said...

WOW I'll bet your jaw is sore after a long visit like that. Nice touch with the flowers.

Anonymous said...

wow..that's a mighty long time,Emily...hope you feel better soon. :o)

Unknown said...

Ouch ouch ouch. I hate dental work, and I am completely having sympathy pain for you just reading about this. Sorry Em! Glad it's in the rear-view mirror...

Unknown said...

Yeouch. Hope you're feeling better now.