Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Flipping a House

All last week, Steve has been in Virginia working on his rental house. I joined him last weekend to finish it up. It's amazing how much work he got done in a little over a week, and it's horrifying to see how much filth and damage the tenants had created.

We expected to paint and clean. Steve was even aware of the garage door which had been accidentally smashed by the tenant and needed replacing. But what we weren't prepared for was the overwhelming stench of cat urine in every room.

Although according to the lease agreement pets were not allowed, the former tenant let his cat use the house as his large personal litter box. That smell is so rank! Steve had professional carpet cleaners do their best, and while it lessened the odor, it was still noticeable. So he pulled out all the carpet and used Kilz to seal all the floors. New carpet has been ordered and should be installed in the next two weeks.

We also found that they must have had a small fire. There was smoke damage in the master bedroom and the adjoining hallway, and we found a spent fire extinguisher.

Then there was the filth. It appeared to me that these people had shook up soda cans and allowed them to spray on the walls and doors. The cobwebs in the corners of the ceilings were so laden with dust even the spiders had moved out. Everything was just disgustingly dirty, so it was amazing to see the transformation when we were finished.

Fortunately, Steve had help from his neighbor, who offered all his tools, and his dad, who can fix anything. They replaced faucets, fixed leaky sinks and toilets and did other repair jobs. We are also SO grateful that he already found new tenants! It's the sheriff's son, who is a policeman, and his fiance, who is an EMT. They are so excited about the house, they offered to help us clean and paint! We are hopeful that they will take better care of the place, and they promised to treat it as their own.

Steve and I often watch TV shows about flipping houses. Now, we know we could do it.


Anonymous said...

You DIY'ers are at it again!

Good grief! I'm totally convinced there are people out there who value NOTHING! I think I would've had some choice words to say to those tenants!

I wonder if they even considered how much Steve is spending on repairing there destructive behavior?

Personally, I'd be embarresed.


Unknown said...

Hey yeah, did their deposit cover much of that? What recourse does Steve have -- any?

I know you'd be excellent at the whole remake/redo/remodel thing. The two of you are a good team. I just would hate to see housing market shifts take all your elbow grease profit margins away. Guess there is no insuring against it, but it would stink worse than cat piss if that happened!

Vetmommy said...

Nice to see the rewards of your SWEAT EQUITY, eh?

Emily said...

Steph, their deposit only covered the garage door replacement. And since the guy is now on disability due to his declining health, there isn't much recourse.

Jenn, yes, LOTS and LOTS of sweat!

Anonymous said...

HUH! no wonder the guy has 'declining health' if they lived in that sh..t...sorry but it makes me mad to read of people leaving nice houses (when they first move in) in a terrible state like that,Em.lucky you and Steve are not afraid of hard work. xx

Anonymous said...

As we waited for the city to haul away the spent carpet and padding, four vultures were walking around the carpete pile looking for something dead to eat. I guess they thought a body was buried in that pile somewhere! It smelled pretty bad.


Unknown said...

Euwwweee, that's quite a visual, Steve. yuck. I'm so glad I can't smell what you describe.

Anonymous said...

For the love of sanity, get out of the rental business!