Thursday, April 20, 2006

Don't You Hate it When... the end of the day, you look in the mirror and see you have food in your teeth and you haven't eaten since lunch. sit down to a business meeting, cross your legs and notice your zipper is down. Then you try to figure out a way to subtlely zip it up without anyone noticing. spend extra time on your hair to make it look nice and the humidity outside makes it all fall anyway. rains in Dallas and all the traffic lights don't work. (It's just rain -- Portland and Seattle must know something we don't.) And don't even get me started on the drivers.

...your fat jeans become your everyday jeans.



Unknown said...

You're wearing white and your child (insert neice/nephew/grandchild) smears guacamole on your boob...

your wet child does a headplant in your crotch to dry off his/her face, so now you look like you've peed in your pants...

(I'll try to think of more, yours are funnier)

Anonymous said...

You go to use a public toilet and they all having something unmentionable in the bowl, the only one that doesn't has "wet" on the seat (shriek!!!)

You break a heel on your shoe while you are out shopping and have to do that weird up and down walk 'til you get home

Your child decides now is a good time to have a severe behaviour malfunction when you have just met someone you haven't seen since having said child and they now think you are both ideal candidates for "Supernanny"

You arrive at a pay and display car park, finally find a parking space and then realise you don't have change and the nearest shop where you can get any is at least 1 mile away (me in Chester two days ago)

Vetmommy said...

Ha ha, Paula, those are funny. When are you starting your own blog?...

Don't you hate it when you call your husband to say you left work on time so he'll be able to get to his meeting on time but then get stuck in rainy traffic for over an hour? (me today :-( )

Anonymous said...

Okay, mine is LESS severe than everyone elses, BUT

Don't ya hate it when you drop your cell phone THREE times in one night! Mind you once on wet cement....

I don't know how my cell phone survived today!!!!!!!


Funny ones, Steph. I can add to the "boob" one....don't ya hate it when a kid decides to jump on your chest thinking it all fun and games?!!? *ooowwwwwiiieeeee*

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha good ones,Paula! I also like Stephs 'wet crotch' one hahahaha keep 'em coming I need these laughs