Thursday, October 09, 2008

The Annual Embarrassment

One of the "joys" of being a woman is annual gynecological check-ups.

One of the "joys" of a new job is new insurance and the necessity to get a new doctor because the previous one doesn't accept the new insurance.

Then there's finding a doc that is currently accepting new patients. And I narrow the field further because I only want to see a female doc after an embarrassing incident during college. After MANY phone calls, I finally find a female doc in my neighborhood who is still accepting my insurance and also will take a new patient. Great. Sign me up.

As I'm trying to get all my information at the ready (date of last period, brand of pills, etc.), I realize I'm going to an Asian woman, and she will likely be petite and will likely make a deal of my weight. Yay.

First, there are the questions about physical health and history. I got a raised eyebrows response when I told her I've been on the pill for 16 years. (The truth is 18 years, but 16 is what came out of my mouth...not sure why, but the raised eyebrows was definitely a reason to want to bend the truth further. Why don't they treat doctors about poker faces?) She then asked my age and [hopefully] realized that's not as bad as it initially sounds.

She had me stand on the scale and asked if I'd recently gained weight. Nope, it's been pretty steady, doc. (Actually, I've recently lost 2 lbs, but since that's not really a lot when the goal is much more, I didn't mention it. Although I considered fabricating that I've lost 20 lbs. to make my current weight seem not as bad...)

Then it's the lovely paper gown, opening in the front. She takes my blood pressure and tells me it's borderline. (I'm usually low.) Am I nervous, she asks? Are you kidding me?!*? I'm basically naked in front of a strange, petite woman. Yeah, I'm not exactly my most comfortable.

She makes small talk while she does the usual poking and prodding, and because of my age, the small talk is about mammography. Yes, I'm on the north side of 35, and a baseline mammogram is recommended anytime between now and 40. [Ugh.] She says my only risk factor is that I'm over 35 and haven't had kids. I mention this hasn't been by design, that I really want to have kids. She says, "you just have to be ready to settle down." Thanks. Actually, I AM ready to "settle down" (what a horrible if I'm partying it up every night and can't be bothered to be a steady influence for a minor), I just haven't met the right guy yet. She asks if the guy I'm seeing might be the right one. Oh, that's right, I may have alluded that Friend-with-benefits is a steady guy I'm seeing for the past 6 months. Uh, too soon to tell.

And then, because the current conversation and the fact that I'm still in this awful blue paper gown isn't bad enough, she brings up the weight issue.

[Yeah, can we finish this conversation once I have my clothes back on?]


Vetmommy said...

Yes, that sounds awful all around. I guess they are so used to seeing women in nothing but a paper gown, it is no big deal to them -- but it is for the patient!

Anonymous said...

I hope you find another option in your area that accepts your insurance because that sounds like a less than perfect situation. I'm the same way about requiring a female doctor. Luckily, my obgyn follows the protocol of doing the exam while making polite 'small talk', and then leaves while I get dressed. I then meet her in her office to talk about any issues that she or I want to discuss. It is bad form for the doctor to talk to her patient about lifestyle, medical history, tests, etc while her patient is half-naked and feeling vulnerable. Good luck in finding a better doctor/patient fit.

Anonymous said...

Well you shoulda seen the baggy paper shorts that I had to don for the x-rays this week.
Embarrassing. And of course the x-ray machine was clear across the building from the room I undressed in.

Unknown said...

Oh Lordy, that sounds just brutal. I can hear you in all your typed words. Yikes. I have usually preferred ob-gyns who poke/prod then allow you to dress or at least sit up for the chatty part. And I really disliked the one female, petite ob-gyn I ever had -- she had to get her whole fists in the works it seemed. Sorry tmi. I'll skip the rest of what I remember about her.


Anonymous said...

I'm with you...I totally hate that entire experience -