Tuesday, February 05, 2008

GIANTS among men

What a great way to start my first year in NY -- a tremendous upset by the NY Giants to win the Superbowl.

I travelled over to Jersey City to watch the game at a local bar with my friends from New Year's. It was great fun being with a large group of cheering fans. We stood throughout the second half as it got more exciting, and one guy started us all chanting, "Let's go Giants, let's go! [stomp, stomp]" as if they could hear us...

When the time ran out and our win was secure, people were hugging and high-fiving complete strangers. The excitement filled the air all the way back to the city, with cheering crowds everywhere.

Unfortunately, I have to miss the ticker-tape parade this morning to attend a client meeting in Jersey. Walking by City Hall last night, (where the parade concludes with speeches by players, coaches and the mayor) I saw the preparations in building a scaffold and hanging NY Giants banners. This morning, the streets were already beginning to fill with blue, white and red-decked fans.


Unknown said...

Sounds like a lot of fun. How's the delivered meal thing going?

Emily said...

Oh, I stopped it. Too many bell peppers in their meals, which I'm allergic to!

Anonymous said...

Go Giants!

Vetmommy said...

Neato! Congrats on your new home team!

peevish said...

That sounds like so much fun, and I don't even like football!