Remember in junior high when you'd go to dances, where no one was really dancing, and everyone milled around awkwardly in a dimly lit gymnasium?
That's what last night's Anti-Valentine Party reminded me of, complete with 80's music. (At least the music was good.) Except there were no popular people and there was a multitude of geeks. I know it will make me sound very snobbish, but it seemed like the coalition of the rejects.
Besides the fact that there were almost 2 women for every man, and every girl (except me) had dragged a girlfriend along to at least talk to, I was stunned at the number of older singles. The biggest compliment I got of the night was from a guy who looked older than my dad ('course, my dad looks good for his age!) who told me, "I'm glad to see there's someone attractive here tonight." Kinda smarmy, but that was as good as it got.
Each person was handed half a Valentine with instructions to "find your other half." Cute idea, and it gave you an easy opener to talk to people. But in looking around the room, I realized I didn't really want to approach any of these guys. I talked myself into it after a half-price Cosmopolitan (hey, the bartender wasn't half bad looking), and began asking if anyone had the other half to a Spiderman Valentine. I ended up talking to three guys. The first was really awkward. He seemed nice, but I wasn't at all interested and the conversation was challenging. The second guy would have been okay to talk to except for the bad breath. I felt bad for him, because he was obviously chewing gum, but it wasn't enough to overcome the halitosis. The third guy, while probably 10 years older than me, was decent enough. We were having a good time discussing NY neighborhoods in regards to restaurants. His buddy, who was probably the best looking guy in the joint, was talking to a woman much older, probably in her 50's. At a mutual break in the conversation, the buddy introduced me to her and to his friend and then arrogantly said, "Okay, ladies, well, it was nice talking to you! Good luck tonight!" An obvious brush-off!
At that, it had been an hour, and I decided I was better off alone on my couch, enjoying some Indian take-out and wine with my snuggly cat.
Oh man! Bring on the speed dating! Can't wait to hear you review that!
You are braver than me! I would have never left my couch in the first place.
Well I'm glad I stuck to my original plan and stayed home on my couch to watch Celebrity Apprentice. But kudos to you for getting out there on what is in my opinion, the most vile night for singles.
btw, I've added you to my blogroll :)
its very brave of you to go alone. Sort of thing id have done in london but then id have had a weeks worth of dutch courage first. Have you got any interests or things that you could do to meet people where the main focus isnt "Meeting people"? It might cut out some of the dross.
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