Sunday, April 29, 2007

Care for a Drink?

Being over 30 brings all sorts of lovely new adventures. One I've mentioned before - chinny hairs. Also, skin begins to droop and your metabolism begins it's decent into nothingness.

But now I've got a new one. If you have any unusual symptoms in the digestive system and you are over 30, doctors recommend a colonoscopy. Mine is scheduled for tomorrow.

Today, all I can have is clear liquids: water, tea with no milk, jello, broth, soda...this will be my diet. I'm thrilled that jello counts, as it will be the only semi-solid I can have. I also get to drink 2 pints of a briny, slightly lemony mixture that will cause my system to purge anything within. That begins this afternoon, and I have been forewarned to stay at home near the bathroom. Ah, joy!

The preparation is supposed to be the worst part, and I'm not concerned about the procedure per se. I'm scared to death about what they might find.


Unknown said...

Sorry you are going through this! Why are you scared to death at what they might find? Have you been swallowing hubba bubba like we did when we were kids? ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh Em, you will be fine - promise!! I know it's not very dignified, but it will be over before you know it. Will be thinking of you XX

Vetmommy said...

Will keep you in my thoughts all day.