Friday, September 01, 2006

What's Going On

I haven't posted recently. Sometimes it's hard to think of something witty to write or to put into words what I'm feeling.

This was a really stressful week for me at work. I somehow got put as the negotiator between two coworkers who were really at each other's throats. Not fun, but it seems to have finally been resolved. And we're having growing pains...lots of new business, but finding good people to fill open positions is taking more time.

Steve and I were planning on having his kids this weekend, but for many reasons, it didn't work out. For one, Declan is really sick. He caught a virus that's going around at school, and it developed into pneumonia. Poor kid. Now, Hayden seems to be coming down with it. So, I guess it's for the best that it didn't work out for this weekend, but it's still disappointing. the last minute, we've decided to descend upon my family in Houston! I'm so looking forward to seeing the twins and Steph. It's been since Easter that I saw them.


Vetmommy said...

Have fun with the twins. Everyone loves a visit from Auntie Emily!

Anonymous said...

Yuck. The flu is NO fun. Poor kiddos.

I'm jealous of your twinie visit! Get extra lovin's for me!!! ;)

Unknown said...

We are so happy Em is here. It is half past midnight -- we just finished up a big dinner party and Em and Steve were incredibly kind to stay up and help rinse the bazillion wine glasses before retiring. Sweet dreams, Auntie Em!

paula said...

Oh poor kiddywinks, how awful. Have a fab visit Em and Steve. XX