Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Playing "Mom"

Last time I visited Anna and Colin, Colin kept mistakenly calling me "Jessica" -- his favorite babysitter's name. This time, he called me "mom" more than once, but I know I can't quite fill those shoes.

I don't know how Jenn does it all. I took two days off work, so I only had to focus on the very busy routine of raising a 3 and 5-year-old. She works, too!

Mornings are a little hectic. While Colin springs from bed ready to greet the world, Anna wakes more slowly. And Colin doesn't want to get dressed or eat breakfast, he wants to play or watch TV -- neither of which are in the tight schedule. Friday morning was a little crazy, but I managed to finally get them both dressed, fed and packed up, heading out the door...oh, but Anna doesn't have her shoes on! Ack!

Adding to the chaos is the dog, Francesca. She's so sweet, but she's very high maintenance. Jenn has been training her to walk on a leash properly, but she struggled with me. Still, we took a walk every day. Then there's the cat, hamster and chickens...

We had some great fun. On Friday after school, I took the kids to Dairy Queen for an afternoon ice cream. They had a blast running around the playscape, and then we drove to the airport to pick up Nana. Saturday brought a car trip to Waco, and lunch at Peter Piper Pizza. I ran around with the kids, playing all the games and trying to keep them together. I looked and felt exhausted at the end, but I think everyone had fun.

My favorite moment was on Thursday, my first full day with them on my own. Anna called to me from the bathroom, announcing she had "pooped in the potty." I went in, and she asked me to wipe her bum, which I reluctantly did. As she bent over, putting her head between my knees and wrapping her arms around my legs, she said very sincerely, "I love you, Auntie Emily."

"I love you, too, Anna." (that's why I'm wiping your bum.)


paula said...

Ahhh yes, nothing quite says "I love you" like wiping their poohy bum (another beautiful Hallmark moment). Very proud of you Em XXX

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you made it through! Yes, after babysitting kids in general, I often ask myself...how do the parents do this EVERYDAY!!!!!

Now, it's back to the grind of work for ya Em!