Thursday, August 10, 2006


Here I am, back in North Carolina again for another new business pitch. I HATE the way we prepare for these presentations. We began almost 4 hours ago. It's just so unorganized, everyone interrupting everyone else. I'm ready to go, and yet I have to wait through all their silliness. It's now 10:45 here, and I'm exhausted. I haven't had a chance yet to unwind. And one of my coworkers laughed when I said I was tired, stating it's an hour earlier back home (so it should only feel like 9:45 to me). Does that really matter? I'm tired, dammit!

This is the same girl who earlier today, at the airport, asked if I wanted to get a Frappucino with her from Starbuck's. I settled for iced tea, saying I'm watching my calories because I've gained some weight. Instead of saying, "You don't look like you have" or "I think you look great!" or some other appropriate, supportive response, she said, "Not me! I'm down to 113!" [bitch.] I don't think I've been at 113 since junior high.

Do I have a sign on me today that says "Be an ass to me?"

On the plane, I was trying to review my presentation (I prefer to prep alone), and the guy sitting on the aisle was super-chatty. I made monosyllable answers and kept turning back to my papers, and he asked, "Are you taking a test or something?" I explained I was preparing for a presentation. Luckily, the middle seat occupant sat between us, and he engaged her in a full conversation. I got through my prep work and picked up the in-flight magazine, when he leaned over and said, "I hope we're not interrupting your PREPARATION."

No, I said, I'm done. (obviously)

I just like time to myself. I don't always like to talk. I like to think about things quietly, without interruptions. And I definitely need time to rest and get geared up before our morning pitch.

I wish I could be more assertive, like yelling, "LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!" but instead I try to be polite. Inside, though, I'm yelling.

I'm also really missing Steve. He's been on a business trip since Tuesday. I feel more grounded when I'm around him, I guess because he's my main and strongest supporter. And he balances my personality with his.


paula said...

Oh Emily how crappy is all that for you. You go ahead and rant sweetheart it does you good. I hope that the presentation went well, and that the bitch who was gloating about her weight when you wanted some female support is now suffering from really bad piles. Big hugs XXXX

Anonymous said...

Oh, Paula, you do make me laugh!

Hang in there Em.

Love, M

Vetmommy said...

I especially hate it when hairdressers are chatty - I like to zone while I get my hair done. And dental hygeinists! Why do they ask questions? I can't answer without biting their fingers!

Anonymous said...

hahaha sorry for laughing,Em. but the way you 'tell it' is time someone wants to talk to you (and you are busy etc) tell them you wear a Hearing aid which is switched off because the 'plane interferes with it..NOW you know one of my little scams to 'not hear people' sssshhhh xx

paula said...

Aunty Norma that reminds me of when I used to go to church with Nan. She would always have her hearing aid turned down as Vicar Thomas used to get on her nerves, only problem is she would then talk about him in what she thought were "hushed tones" but really she was more or less shouting .... I found it soooo embarrassing at the time but it's hilarious really.

Unknown said...

Oooohh I can really feel your pain from what you type. As your sister, I have to say I have very many similar thoughts (esp the monosyllabic responses while shouting inside thing)

Reminds me of what a friend of mine said the other day about how life would be so much easier if there weren't so many other people in but we all do need our space, privacy, downtime and battery recharging (ie SLEEP)

Love you and hope a few things start flowing in the right direction soon.