Thursday, August 17, 2006


Some women love shoes. For me, it's all about bags.

I LOVE bags, from purses to suitcases. I've realized that I have a compulsion in this area, so I refrain from going to bag shops. I have at least a dozen of bags I've gotten free at conferences or other activites, and many other tote bags that were too cute to pass up.

I keep my bag urges in check, but sometimes, a girl's gotta have a new bag.

I found one yesterday that just HAD to come home with me. See, it's actually practical because it's a laptop backpack. I travel a lot for work, and my briefcase with laptop gets very heavy. My chiropractor has told me it's not good for my back since all the weight is on one shoulder. Plus, it's just not comfortable.

My new bag evenly distributes the weight across my back. Plus, it will come in handy when I take my laptop home and want to ride my motorcycle the next day. (It's just not feasible to carry a briefcase on the bike.)

In addition to the cleanliness and nice smell of a new bag, I love exploring all it's compartments and organizing my things. You may be shaking your head at my pecularity, but everyone has something. Mine just happens to be bags.


Anonymous said...

Where's the picture? I gotta see this new bag!

Anonymous said...

I Echo last comment.

Emily, don't feel alone in this world with your bag obsession! I have a weak spot for bags(particulary purses) too! No matter how much we determine to NOT buy anymore bags, a compulsion from somewhere tugs at you in the store and of course WE ALWAYS cave in.

*sigh* OH well, my addiction could be worse....right?


paula said...

I love new bags too and also adore finding all the new compartments. Before I had Luke I used to really get excited about stashing all my bits and bobs into all the "useful" little pouches and it would always be so tidy and fabulous. Now though, I have one giant bag that eveything gets chucked into in a very crappy way. I also tend to collect Luke things such as broken action figures, mashed up bits of banana and dried out baby wipes. The other day when I went to pay for some shopping the cashier looked horrified when I handed her a pound coin with a very suspicious brown sticky substance on which upon closer inspection turned out to be a very old raisin.

Anonymous said...

That's funny Paula!!!!!!!!!!

*Ha Ha*


Unknown said...

LOL Paula, I'm with you. Chucking and scooping out seems to be the current mode here. Unlike my organized career girl sis, I can't stand compartments, too much opportunity for things to lurk and grow gooey left undiscovered. Every day here at the beach I have to upend my bag, sift out the sandy objects, through away the countless questionably clean napkins, dried up wipes and sticky bits. The water bottles always have floaties and must not be allowed to sit like petri dishes overnight.

Em for you it's bags, for me it's bedding and linens. I love sheets, towels, pillowcases, bedspreads, duvets, etc. I love the idea of being in an envelope of soft and cushy sheets like a giant rose in which to dream.

Anonymous said...

How uncanny that is,Em...aside from looking a little like love bags!!! she has loads and I mean LOADS! Calvin Klein, name it she has it!! spends most of her money on the darned things...