Friday, February 09, 2007

Appearances Do Count for Something

I always try not to "judge a book by its cover" (or a wine by its label, for that matter), but I do think appearances are important and can influence how others perceive you.

For example, when I got a grant for a date-rape prevention program that I presented to high school students while I was in college, one of the exercises I went through was to show the kids (girls and guys) different photos I had pulled from current magazines and catalogs. I asked them to call out what they thought about each one.

The girls were shocked when the guys said, "she's asking for it!" when they would respond, "oh, she's very fashionable." My point wasn't to say either was right or wrong -- I wanted each of them to realize that the opposite sex doesn't think the same way as they do about clothing. (I also emphasized that no matter what someone was wearing, rape was not an appropriate response.)

Another of my extra-curricular activities while I was at college was to participate in the university's pageant. It ended up not being successful for me, but I did learn some valuable tips from the organizers about paying special attention to your appearance especially while interviewing.

So, jump to now, when I work in an agency that often presents to various clients. I greatly respect the people I work with and have often remarked on the collective brain power of the employees here. But I was shocked at the appearance of one of my colleagues yesterday who was leading an in-person client meeting. The senior-level individual has never been what one would call "polished," but yesterday was particularly bad, including shoes that DESPERATELY needed a polishing (or at least a Sharpie!), no makeup (which could greatly reduce the general redness and can provide some definition to eyes and lips), broken buttons on the jacket (I know she can afford a needle and thread, or a new jacket!), and long unkempt hair that desperately needs coloring to hide the several inches of roots. She could definitely benefit from one of those stylist shows, like What Not to Wear.


grandad says said...

Yeah, like me for instance, if one were to judge me by the cover one would completely miss the slender,
young individual inside, right?

Not to mention my blonde hair.

Emily said...

ha ha ha! Oh, Daddy, you're so funny.

Anonymous said...

Em, that lady sounds like she needs some DESPERATE attention. Why not enter her into What Not to Wear? I think it's worth a shot- especially since your description, I'm sure, was much worse in person.

Let us know if you win the deal.

Love ya.....

P.S. I'm wearing YOUR highly fashionable Aeropostale outfit today. I've had more than one comment about how cute the combo is. =) THANKS A MILLION....

Vetmommy said...

I tried to post last night but couldn't. Hmm... must've been laughing to hard at daddy's comment.

I love what not to wear, but I always think they would rip me to shreds in the dreaded 360 mirror

Anonymous said...

Heh, I think I know exactly who you're talking about, Em. Or at least a candidate. If she has eyebrows that are, uh, "au naturel," that is.

Anonymous said...

You know I KNOW who this refers to, and I completely concur with your assessment!