Monday, March 27, 2006

Yard Exercise

My favorite kind of exercise is the kind that doesn't seem like exercise, like gardening. And then afterwards, you sit down and feel your muscles go "Ahhh..."

This was the first weekend in four weeks that I've been home. My house definitely needed some attention. Also, my digital video recorder was full of all my favorite shows. One I like to watch on the weekends is "Gardening by the Yard" with Paul James. My brother-in-law Anthony got me hooked on it. James is quirky and goofy, but it helps you remember things. Yesterday I watched three in a row! It must have inspired me, because today I tackled the backyard.

It's amazing what a little mulch does. It really makes the areas around the trees look neater. And I found some large rocks in the back corner of the yard that I used to border the patio and garden. I think it turned out pretty nice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's always the best kind of exercise! Your yard looks good, nice work!