Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Have you ever had the feeling you're not doing what you're "meant" to be doing? I get that feeling often, and have for many years.

Although I purposefully don't talk about my work here, it's a good job. I'm good at it, but I'm not fulfilled by it like some of my colleagues. I envy them their passion. But I take pride in doing a good job, so I do.

But sometimes I wonder...should I be doing something different? Could I make more of a difference in the world doing something else?

I don't know what this other thing would be, and I believe things happen in life for a reason, so I try to make the most of where I am right now.


Unknown said...

I think in another life you and I could have been glamorous lounge singers, like Michelle Pfiefer's character in The Fabulous Baker Boys except with a happier personal life, of course!

Emily said...

That sounds like fun to me!

Anonymous said...

The saying "The grass looks greener on the other side" comes to mind,Emily..It sounds like you have a good job (and the money is good) AND you get to choose where you want to work..and knowing what your job entails I think it's a GREAT job..at some time in our lives we all think those things I'm sure..but you appear to work for some good People ..count your blessings is my bit of advice..(off soap box now) :)

Aunty Norma.xx

jman said...

Or maybe Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis in the girls' band in Some Like It Hot! Sounds like some discontented rumblings going on in your life at the moment. They seem to have arisen after your departure from NYC. Coincidence? I think not! And yes that bulge in my cheek is from my tongue.

Emily said...

Aunty Norma: You're right, and that's what I usually come back to. I am very grateful but feel like I could be doing more.

jman: Ha! No, this discontent was with me before I left NYC. I will always love NYC, but it wasn't the right place for me.